Imagine a Lorain County where communities radiate safety and vitality, where children play freely in our parks, and where the shadows of illegal drugs and crime are all but eradicated. Envision neighborhoods free of gangs and violence, adorned with the beauty of well-maintained spaces and vibrant public areas. Picture a community where property taxes are not a burden and where our seniors, especially those over 65, enjoy the freedom of no property taxes.

Vision for Lorain County

We Believe ...

  • Local politics creates the foundation for prosperity on a national level.

  • We should put America First in all business dealings with foreign governments.

  • Our military and nation should never be dependent upon foreign nations.

  • Every woman and child deserves to be safe from harm.

  • Every person, including the mentally ill, should be treated with dignity and respect.

  • The hard work of middle-class families should be rewarded.

  • Our schools and streets should be free drugs, gang activity, and violence.

  • Our schools should be free of politics, propaganda, and mental manipulation.

  • All human life should be valued - even that of the unborn - and expecting mothers supported.

  • We should strive for affordable world-class healthcare for everyone.

  • We believe in fair elections and legal immigration

​We should work together to build a bright future for everyone. We are fighting for the soul of our county and for America’s place as the land of opportunity for all.

Pathway to Economic Renaissance

Our path forward envisions Lorain County at the heart of an advanced manufacturing revolution. Nestled perfectly between the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cuyahoga County and the Neil Armstrong Nuclear Space Propulsion Test Facility in Erie County, Lorain boasts a unique geographical advantage. These institutions are at the forefront of technological innovation, and Lorain is perfectly positioned to complement their efforts. As NASA and the Armstrong Test Facility design and test groundbreaking technologies, Lorain can become the hub where these innovations are brought to life.

Imagine transforming the former Republic Steel Site into the world’s largest Hot Isostatic Press and powdered metallurgy facility. This is the tool needed to make the next generation of assembly line built nuclear reactors for space, for the power needs of communities, and for medical isotope production. This industrial nexus could place Lorain, OH, at the cutting edge of manufacturing innovation, enabling us to produce critical components for the nuclear industry, thus enhancing America's self-reliance.

We envision Lorain attracting world-class engineers, scientists, and technicians to work on these ambitious projects. The world's largest vacuum chamber electron beam welding facility could be established here, turning Lorain into a critical player in advanced manufacturing. This would support America's nuclear fleet, providing vital components domestically and reducing our dependency on foreign capabilities.

Empowering Our Workforce

Imagine Lorain County bustling with high-paying jobs, leveraging our residents' skills in advanced manufacturing. Our local workforce, known for its dedication and expertise, will be the backbone of this industrial resurgence. We foresee the production of advanced micro-reactors, essential for generating medical isotopes to combat aggressive cancers. These reactors, from desktop-sized units to mid-sized powerhouses, could energize hospitals and communities, significantly lowering costs and improving healthcare outcomes.

By tapping into the rich talent pool in Lorain and surrounding areas, we can create a thriving ecosystem of innovation and employment. This will not only provide economic stability but also instill a sense of pride and purpose among our residents. Educational partnerships with local colleges and vocational schools will ensure a steady pipeline of skilled workers ready to take on the challenges of advanced manufacturing.

Transformative Projects

  • Visualize the former Midway Mall property reimagined as a cutting-edge radioisotope pharmacy, serving America, Canada, and Mexico. This facility could become a vital part of the healthcare supply chain, producing life-saving medical isotopes that are currently in short supply. Isotopes like Actinium-225 "the miracle isotope" and Molybdenum-99.

  • We support enhancing the Great Lakes Seaway system, widening and deepening it to boost economic shipping and open the Midwest to global trade. This infrastructure upgrade will make Lorain a central hub for logistics and distribution, attracting businesses and investors from around the world.

  • Envision a series of island platforms between Ohio and Canada, born from dredging efforts for the widened St. Lawrence Seaway System. These islands, linked by roadways and bridges, would provide direct travel to Canada, bypassing Michigan and unlocking new economic potentials.

  • These Island platforms could also serve as bases to safely drill and harvest the vast amount of Natural Gas under Lake Erie..

Strategic Industrial Connections

Lorain's strategic location also places it in close proximity to Barberton, OH, home to BWXT/Nuclear Fuel Services, which manufactures components for America's Nuclear Navy. This proximity allows for seamless collaboration and supply chain integration, enhancing our competitiveness in the nuclear sector. We are also not far from Materion Corporation in Genoa and Mayfield Heights, which produces the critical alloys used in the nuclear and aerospace industries. This perfect nexus of low-cost property and access to premier industrial resources makes Lorain the ideal hub for advanced manufacturing.

By leveraging these connections, we can attract major investments and partnerships, creating a robust industrial ecosystem. Lorain has the potential to become a beacon of innovation, attracting talent and capital from across the nation and around the world.

Sustainable Energy Initiatives

Our vision includes tapping into the natural gas reserves beneath Lake Erie, ensuring safe extraction from these manmade islands. This resource can provide a significant boost to our local economy, creating jobs and reducing energy costs. The Great Lakes region, with its strategic location, is poised for the development of ground-effect aircraft, dramatically reducing travel times and enhancing regional connectivity. These innovative aircraft could revolutionize transportation, making travel faster, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly.

We look towards a future where maritime cargo ships are powered by new, walk-away safe, meltdown-proof nuclear reactors. These advanced reactors, capable of consuming high-level nuclear waste as fuel, could revolutionize maritime transport, slashing emissions and addressing waste storage challenges. Lorain can lead the way in developing and deploying these technologies, setting a new standard for sustainability and efficiency in global shipping..

Lorain County stands on the brink of a remarkable transformation. By embracing innovative ideas and harnessing our unique strengths, we can chart a path that positions Lorain at the heart of an advanced manufacturing revolution. Our vision is a dynamic blueprint for a future where Lorain County is a symbol of progress, opportunity, and cutting-edge innovation.

Together, let's embark on this visionary journey and elevate Lorain County to new heights of prosperity and excellence.